HyperJuice MBP-060でAirを充電できるケーブル自作
11インチのMacBook Airだと出かけた時にバッテリの持ちが心もとないと思い、HyperJuice 60Whを購入。当初個人輸入を考えていたのですが、国内値下げのため、act2Store直売が送料・消費税込みで17,000円と大差ないため今回は国内ショップにて購入(なおリンク先の画像はでかいサイズのが間違って掲載されているのは正規ディーラーとしてどうかと思うのですが)。
I need details to operate the HyperJuice battery, the user manual included in the box is too basic.
Last Updated: 12/23/2011
The wall charger goes to the Charge port on the battery, and DC Out jack is connected with Magsafe cable to MacBook.
DC OUTジャックはMacBookにMagSafeケーブルを使って繋ぎます。
There is no POWER ON or OFF button on the HyperJuice battery. To turn it on, just plug in the Magsafe cable to DC Out on the battery, the POWER ON LED should be lighted up. Once the Magsafe cable is unplugged from DC Out, the POWER ON LED is off.
POWER ONやPOWER OFFボタンはHyperJuiceバッテリにはありません。スイッチを入れるにはMagSafeケーブルをバッテリのDC OUTにつなぐだけです。するとPOWER ON LEDが点くはずです。いったんMagSafeケーブルがDC OUTから取り外されるとPOWER ON LEDは消えます。
The power button on the battery is for power indication. By pressing the power button, the indication LED will be turned on ( total 4 indication LED). When you release the power button, the indication LED will be off.
For a 60w or 100w battery owner, please check the LED on power transformer. RED LED means charging, and GREEN LED means charge is done.
For 150w or 222w battery owner, the LED on power transformer stays GREEN all the time. In order to know if it is ready to use, please check the indication LED. If 4 LEDs light up, please have it charge for one more hour to top it off.
After that, the battery is fully charged.
HyperJuice External 60Wh Battery for Apple MacBook, iPad, iPhone, iPod, USB
Although this 60Wh battery will work with the MacBook Pro 15/17 inch, it is not recommended as the MacBook Pro 15/17 inch draws up to 85W of power. Battery physics dictate that a 60Wh battery is most efficient at providing up to 60W (1C) of power. A 60Wh battery can still provide 85W of power but at lesser efficiency, approximately only 70% of a 60Wh battery capacity will be available to the MacBook Pro 15/17 inch. The remaining battery capacity will still be available to lower power devices like the iPhone. This power limitation affects all batteries with capacities lesser than 85W and is not specific to the HyperMac. This does not affect the MacBook and MacBook Pro 13 inch which draws up to 45W, 55W and 60W power respectively, which are equal or lesser than 60W. MacBook Pro 15/17 inch users are recommended to use at least a 100Wh battery which can efficiently provide up to 100W (1C) of power. Likewise a 150Wh/222Wh battery can efficiently provide up to 150W/222W of power respectively.
60WhモデルはMacBook Proの15インチ、17インチモデルでも動くことは動くけど、60Whモデルからだと十分に流し込めないということのようです。
60w battery———3 hours
100w battery——–6 hours
150w battery——–4 hours
222w battery——–6 hours
Why does 150w battery take less time to fully charge than 100w battery? This is because 150w/220w batteries use different power transformers which carry higher output of 12.6v x 4.7A instead of 12.6v x 2.3A.